Bulking for Romance #1 and #2

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Mary Helen's had her eye on Doug for a long time, but he's never shown any interest in return. Then one day in the university library, Mary Helen notices Doug chatting intently with Martha, a female weightlifter. At first crestfallen, Mary Helen resolves to begin lifting weights herself. If she makes progress, she thinks, Doug may notice and take an interest in her, too!

When Mary Helen next encounters Doug, a year and a half has passed and she's made extraordinary progress in both size and strength. She's no longer the shy, slender girl she was. Instead, her training regime has transformed her into the most muscular woman he's ever known!

As romance blooms, Mary Helen delights in teasing Doug with her incredible strength and muscularity, but is there some other explanation for Mary Helen's incredible transformation? 

This is a female muscle growth comic taking place during two time periods spaced 18 months apart. Issue #1 is focused primarily on the before/after concept of a formerly tiny girl re-entering her social scene with enormous, powerful muscles. Issue #2 is very focused on the the growth process and contains several growth scenes.

Throughout the two issues we witness Mary Helen growing from a girl who probably couldn't carry her own groceries to one who declares herself to be the strongest human being alive!

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Bulking for Romance #1 & Bulking for Romance #2

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Bulking for Romance #1 and #2

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